German Studies Dozenten
Research Interests: the evolution and diversification of documentary media in the digital age (VR, AR, interactive documentary)
Recent Experience: DAAD Visiting Associate Professor (2020-2022), Temporary professor (W3) for Media Studies and Media Culture at University of Leipzig (Germany). Previously Senior Lecturer, Institute for Media and Communication (IMK), University of Hamburg (Germany), Associate Professor for Media Hybridity (Juniorprofessor für Mediale Hybride), University of Leipzig, Research Assistant, Philipps-University of Marburg as a responsible editor for the journal Media Studies/Reviews.
Recent Publications: “Hybride Genres” and “Gattungen und Genre” in Handbuch Filmgenre, Geschichte – Ästhetik – Theorie (Springer VS, 2020, pp.231-248); “From i-doc to VR experience: New forms of user engagement in immersive digital documentaries”, New Cinemas Journal of Contemporary Film 17(1):37-48 (March 2020)
Host University: University of Alberta
Host Department: Department of Modern Languages & Cultural Studies
Contact: University of Alberta
Department of Modern Languages & Cultural Studies
200 Arts & Convocation Hall
Edmonton, AB T6G 2E6 Canada
Tel.: (780) 492-4926
Research Interests: Concepts of democracy, democracy promotion by international actors, and transnational social movements.
Recent Experience: PhD in Global Studies (2017) from Leipzig University (Germany), Postdoc Fellowship at York University (2018-2019) and the Leibniz Science Campus Eastern Europe-Global Area (2019) in Leipzig. Since Fall 2020, DAAD Visiting Assistant Professor at the Department of Politics at York University teaching in the fields of Comparative Politics, International Relations, and German Studies.
Recent Publications: “Globalization, EU Democracy Assistance and the World Social Forum: Concepts and Practices of Democracy” (2018: Palgrave Series “European Political Sociology”.
Host University: York University
Host Department: Department of Political Science
Contact: York University
Ross Building
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3 Canada
Tel.: (416) 736-2100 ext. 22398
Fax: (416) 736-5695
Research Interests: Text/image relations; Selfportrayal in literature and the visual arts; Theory and history of photography; œuvre of the French author, archeologist, photographer and sinologist Victor Segalen.
Recent Experience: confidential assistent to the founding director (geologist Reinhold Leinfelder) of Futurium, Berlin; translator, author, curator, postdoctoral research fellow (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) at Freie Universität Berlin, Peter-Szondi-Institut for Comparative Literature.
Recent Publications: Victor Segalen, Ziegel & Schindeln. Eine Reise nach China und Japan 1909-1910, edition, translation, annotations and postface by Maria Zinfert, Matthes & Seitz Berlin 2017; Kracauer. Fotoarchiv. Bildband mit Fotografien und ergänzenden Materialien aus dem Nachlass von Siegfried Kracauer, (Diaphanes ) Berlin 2014; Kracauer. Photographic Archive. translated by Michael Turnbull, (Diaphanes ) Berlin 2014; Siegfried Kracauer, The Past’s Threshold. Essays on Photography, co-edited with Philippe Despoix, (Diaphanes ) Berlin 2014; articles: „Doppelbelichtung. Ein Querschnitt durch das Fotoarchiv von Lili und Siegfried Kracauer”, in: Sabine Biebl, Helmut Lethen, Johannes von Molkte (ed.), Siegfried Kracauers Grenzgänge. Zur Rettung des Realen, (Campus) Frankfurt a/M, New York 2017, p. 137–151; “«…uma espécie e forma completamente novas de autobiografia» Especulações sobre os manuscritos e fotografias do espólio de Siegfried Kracauer”, (translated by Douglas Pompeu) in: Terceira Margem, Faculdade de Letras UFRJ, Rio de Janaeiro 2017; „Zum Bild des Autors Siegfried Kracauer. Porträtfotos aus den Jahren 1947 bis 1955“, in: Jörn Ahrens, Paul Fleming, Susanne Martin, Ulrike Vedder (ed.), »Doch ist das Wirkliche auch vergessen, so ist es darum nicht getilgt« Beiträge zum Werk Siegfried Kracauers, Wiesbaden 2016, p. 221–238; „Zukunftsbilder – Unsichtbares sichtbar machen / Visions of the Future – Making the Invisible Visible“, in: René Zechlin (ed.), Wie leben? – Zukunftsbilder von Malewitsch bis Fujumoto, Köln 2015 (catalogue.), p. 16–29 (co-author: Reinhold Leinfelder); „Literaturgeschichte in Grauwerten. Anmerkungen zu Fotografien im Deutschen Literaturarchiv Marbach“, in: Achim Hölter, Monika Schmitz-Emans (ed.), Literaturgeschichte und Bildmedien, Heidelberg 2015, p. 189–202; „On the Photographic Practice of Lili and Siegfried Kracauer: Portrait Photographs from the Estate in the Deutsches Literaturarchiv (Marbach am Neckar)“, in: The Germanic Review. Literature, Culture, Theory, Volume 88, Issue 4, 2013, p. 435–443; „Curriculum Vitae in Pictures“, in: Siegfried Kracauer, Sur le seuil du temps. Essais sur le médium photographique, Textes choisis et introduits par Philippe Despoix, Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, Montréal en coédition avec « Philia », (Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme) Paris 2013, p. 83–107.
Host University: Université de Montréal
Host Department: FAS-Département de littératures et de langues du monde
CP-6128, succursale Centre-Ville
Montréal, Québec
H3C 3J7
Tel.: (1) 514 343-6111 # 6512